Software Engineer / Lead / Manager

Hello, I'm Chris Wray. I'm a Software Engineer, Leader, and Manager with over 20 years of software development experience building great solutions for many high profile companies. Check out some of my past projects.

  • Dolor

Working With Jekyll Features

With my site running on GitHub Pages, I am using Jekyll to build out my site structure. With its variable and templating support, customizing the site has been easy. Here are some helpful tips I’ve noted along the way, which may be of use.

XAML FlipView Virtualization Control

In XAML, the FlipView control is really handy for content rendering. Out of the box, you get support for virtualization. For example, when binding a collection of 100 items to a FlipView, the control won’t build out 100 pages of controls. Instead, only a “window” will be rendered (typically the current item, along with the previous and next item). While this is great for performance and optimization when binding to a large collection, issues can arise.


I've worked on some diverse projects and technologies over the years for multiple high profile companies. Here are some examples.

  • Streaming Media

    Helped create streaming media apps for multiple high profile companies on Xbox and PlayStation devices.

  • Compliance

    Developed workflow based solutions that ensured compliance to State and local laws.

  • Enterprise Software

    Architected an enterprise software solution spanning 4 companies in multiple offices across numerous States from Alaska to Hawaii. Scaled up using Discovery, Distrubuted Caching, an Enterprise Service Bus, and real-time notifications.

  • Warehouse Management Solutions

    Developed Warehouse Management software involving wireless barcode scanning devices and mobile printers with support for multiple foreign languages.

  • E-Commerce Websites

    Created multiple large scale E-Commerce Websites and a platform for shared services and content management.

  • Online Multiplayer Gaming

    Was the Architect for an Online Multiplayer Game serving a large user base, while designing the next phase of the platform using SOA and a Distributed Architecture.

Interested in More?

Learn more about me and my background, or read my blog to follow my various musings. I can be reached through various social media outlets below. Or simply contact me, if you wish.